The Wisconsin Idea

They Clean After Holiday Shoppers. But They Don't Get to Celebrate with Their Families.
“In my culture, Christmas Eve is our day to celebrate. ... And I’m going to work like it’s a regular day. It’s hard on the kids.”
Sarah Lazare
FeatureCover StoryThe Right-Wing Issue
The Right is Prepared For This Moment. Are We?
A conversation between Jamelle Bouie, Alex Han, Nancy MacLean, Tarso Luís Ramos and Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò on the Left’s role in fighting the Right.
Jamelle Bouie, Alex Han, Nancy MacLean, Tarso Luís Ramos and Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò
How a Trailblazing Tenants Union Forced a Mega-Landlord to the Bargaining Table
In less than two weeks, the Blake Street 16 went from facing eviction court to pioneering the first landlord-tenant negotiations in Connecticut's history.
Thomas Birmingham
ComicsThe Right-Wing Issue
Can Comics Fight the Right? We're Going to Try, Anyway.
Patty Murray speaks at a podium, flanked by two officials.
The White House is Working Overtime to Obscure Weapons Sales to Israel. The Senate Is Aiding and Abetting Them.
Picking up White House language, the Senate supplemental bill would conceal weapons sales from Congress and the American people.
Janet Abou-Elias, Lillian Mauldin and Women for Weapons Trade Transparency
This Chanukah Is a Time for Palestine Solidarity, From Fasting to Public Disruption
Remembering that Chanukah means “rededication,” as we light the candles each night, we can rededicate ourselves to solidarity with Palestine for the long haul.
Maya Schenwar
PalestineDepartmentsThe Right-Wing Issue
History Didn’t Begin on Oct. 7
Here’s what the press gets wrong on Palestine.
In These Times Editors and Hussein Ibish
Why Journalists Must Speak out About Gaza
Attacks on journalism and media are dangerous to us all.
Aja Arnold, Rae Garringer, Rebecca Chowdhury, Tina Vásquez, Irene Vázquez, Victoria Bouloubasis, Charmaine Lang, Nour Saudi and Lewis Raven Wallace
The Circular, Murderous Logic of Henry Kissinger
Kissinger began his career sounding the alarm on fascism—but as America lurched to the right, he followed faithfully.
Greg Grandin
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