The Wisconsin Idea

Canadian Workers Are Saying No to Precarity
Workers at the Canadian Labor Congress came together to share stories and organizing strategies.
Maximillian Alvarez
Tony Evers Just Signed Off on the Largest Voucher School Expansion in 30 Years
Public school advocates say they feel betrayed by Wisconsin’s “Education Governor” and that the budget package that was on his desk is “a bad deal” that includes “a pittance to public schools.”
Samantha Winslow
DispatchRural America
Big Dairy is Milking California Dry
A small town fights back against dairy expansion.
Ian Whitaker
Jail Support Won't Stop Until Everyone Is Free
"Until the jails go away, we're staying."
Hana Urban
Meet the New Queer Archive Creating a Home for Trans Films
While trans rights are under attack globally, Otherness Archive is creating a revolutionary space for artists that shows their “full, glorious complexity.”
Meggie Gates and Hana Urban
How Israeli Spyware Endangers Activists Across the Globe
Israeli surveillance technology is empowering antidemocratic governments to track journalists and human rights activists. Regulation is virtually nonexistent.
Antony Loewenstein
Robert Reich: Trump Won't Get a Civil War Over His Indictment
Donald Trump is as dangerous as ever, and is inciting violence. But the country is not going to war with itself over his own narcissistic cravings.
Robert Reich
How Worker Solidarity Propelled a Union Drive at the Country’s Richest University
Earlier this year, a year-long campaign to unionize 6,000 non-tenure-track workers at Harvard finally went public. A model of member-led organizing helped make it possible.
Dusty Christensen
Can the Teamsters Save Amazon From Itself?
Working at Amazon is a nightmare, some workers say. It doesn’t have to be.
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh
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