The Wisconsin Idea

Disabled People Are Underrepresented in Politics. A New Organization Aims to Change That.
Disability Victory will start training the first cohort of disabled people who want to run for office in early 2024.
Sara Luterman, The 19th
FeatureEn Español
Los Golpes De Calor Están Matando a Los Trabajadores. ¿Por Qué Es Tan Difícil Protegerlos?
No existe un estándar federal de calor, y los cabilderos, intereses corporativos, y aquellos con agendas ferozmente anti-regulatorias han sido vocales para mantenerlo así.
Maurizio Guerrero
Workers Are Dying From the Heat: Why Is It so Hard to Protect Them?
No federal heat standard exists and lobbyists, corporate interests and those with fiercely anti-regulatory agendas have been vocal and active in keeping it that way.
Maurizio Guerrero
UPS and Autoworkers Are Inspiring a Wave of Worker Militancy. Who’s Next?
The UAW reached tentative agreements with each of Detroit's Big Three automakers. Workers around the country are watching.
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh
"I Want American Workers to Be United to Make the Occupation Costly, to Make the Israeli Apartheid Costly."
Palestinian activist Issa Amro calls on U.S. workers to fight for for justice and an end to the occupation.
Maximillian Alvarez
"The Time to Pass This Law Is Now": The Congressional Testimonies of Ady Barkan
"I needed Medicare for All yesterday. Millions of people need it today. The time to pass this law is now."
Ady Barkan
A General Strike in 2028 Is a Uniquely Plausible Dream
The UAW's call for unions to align their contract expirations is legitimately achievable. But the work starts now.
Hamilton Nolan
Ohio Votes To Guarantee Abortion Rights in Its State Constitution
With the victory on Issue 1, abortion rights advocates are on a 7-and-0 ballot measure winning streak since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022.
Grace Panetta, The 19th
How Chicago Took a Major Step Toward Tackling the City's Housing Crisis
In a victory for Mayor Brandon Johnson's agenda, City Council members approved a referendum on the Bring Chicago Home ordinance that will ask voters if the city should enact a progressive real estate tax to confront homelessness.
Kari Lydersen
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