The Wisconsin Idea

Big Data Is Watching You
The hidden price of Google, Twitter and Facebook.
Joanna Scutts

Michele Bachmann in ‘Sharknado 3’: Brought to You By ‘Strikenado’ Scabs
David Dayen

Joseph Stiglitz on the Trans Pacific Partnership: “This Is A Big Deal”
Alexandros Orphanides

After Rahm Emanuel’s Alleged Explosion, Mental Health Activists Demand Respect
Activists say the mayor has yet to reckon with the effects of his mental health clinic closures.
Maya Dukmasova

In a Major Victory for Academic Labor, NYU Grad Students Win Contract, Narrowly Avert Strike
Kevin Solari

When Good Political Arguments Go Bad: On “Critique Drift”
It’s time to recognize that the injunction against criticizing those who self-identify as activists for social justice is a dead-end for our movement.
Freddie deBoer

Labour Pains
There’s a U.K. General Election in May and I don’t know how to vote.
Jane Miller

Rural America
The Gray Wolf Rollercoaster
John Collins

Acknowledging “Ugly History of Racism” in Labor Movement, AFL-CIO Creates New Commission on Race
Bruce Vail