The Wisconsin Idea
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Explains Why Democrats’ Only Hope In 2016 Is Tackling Inequality
Miles Kampf-Lassin

Chicago Progressives’ Midterms Performance Actually Wasn’t That Bad
Far from wringing their hands about last week's election's implications, Chicago progressives should take heart at their performance.
Marilyn Katz

Striking Federal Contractors: Thanks for the Raise, Obama, But We Want $15
Marina Fang

Domestic Workers Emerging from the Shadows
Stephen Franklin

Will Chicago Progressives Unite Behind Chuy Garcia, Rahm’s 11th-Hour Challenger?
Yana Kunichoff

Interstellar Has Great Visuals and a Bad Case of Christopher Nolan Disease
A guy with a dead wife nobly pursues the blowing up of cool shit, in a universe based on iffy science. Sound familiar?
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle

With Net Neutrality, Obama Finally Takes a Principled Stand
By calling for the reclassification of broadband as a utility, the president has opened the lanes for a truly free and open Internet.
Mark Stanley

Net Neutrality ≠ Obamacare of the Internet
Matt Bors

Palestine Activist’s Confession Allegedly Obtained By Torture Leads to Immigration Conviction
Rasmea Odeh faces up to 10 years in a U.S. prison and deportation for failing to disclose a criminal history that was allegedly the result of physical and sexual torture.
Christa Smith