
Books Are the Missing Piece of a Unionized American Culture Industry
Organizing book stores like Barnes & Noble could lift up the entire creative underclass.
Hamilton Nolan
The UAW Is Standing Up with Mexican Autoworkers
With its Mexico solidarity project, the UAW will fight alongside the country's growing militant independent labor movement, ensuring justice for autoworkers extends beyond borders.
Brandon Mancilla
"The People Won": Kansas City Voters Reject Billionaire Stadium Tax
In a blow against billionaire sports franchise owners, Kansas City voters rejected a 40-year stadium tax. It's a victory for community interests over corporate greed.
Ryan S.
Labor's 2024 Political Dilemma
Biden’s support for the genocide is indefensible, but we still need him to win.
Rand Wilson and Peter Olney
Wealthy Corporations Are Paying Their CEOs More Than They Pay in Taxes
Tesla, Ford, Netflix and T-Mobile are among scores of profitable U.S. firms that pay their top executives more than they pay in federal taxes. It’s a system that rewards the super rich and punishes the rest of us.
Sarah Anderson, William Rice and Zachary Tashman
U.S. Billionaire Wealth Is Up 88% Since the Pandemic—Now Topping $5.5 Trillion
Can we please just tax the rich?
Chuck Collins and Omar Ocampo
Unpacking Biden’s Second Term Economic Plan
The Biden administration’s proposed 2025 budget marks a departure for Democratic incumbents.
Max B. Sawicky
We Blocked Biden’s Motorcade to Say: No More Support for Genocide
We can’t abide our government abetting the mass slaughter of children in Gaza.
Saqib Bhatti
Aaron Bushnell Will Be Venerated Like Rachel Corrie Was Before Him
Twenty-one years ago, Rachel Corrie gave her life to serve the Palestinian cause. Today, her legacy lives on.
In These Times Editors
Can Unions Rebuild Our Democracy?
Our institutions have failed to protect democracy. Can unions take up the fight?
Alex Han
Aaron Bushnell's Sacrifice Was a Deeply Loving Act
War resister Rory Fanning reflects on Aaron Bushnell's legacy.
Rory Fanning
Trump Plans to Make His Massive Tax Cuts for the Rich and Corporations Permanent
The 2024 election will help decide whether the U.S. extends provisions of the Trump tax cuts, which allow the wealthy to steal from the public.
Sonali Kolhatkar
The Mega Grocery Merger That Workers Would Pay the Price For
The Kroger-Albertsons merger is a threat to grocery workers everywhere. Let’s join the fight to stop it.
Ann Larson
Biden Talked Rent in the State of the Union—Now He Needs a Real Plan to Deal with the Rent Crisis
The Biden administration can take immediate steps to protect tenants and lower the rent. Here’s how.
Tara Raghuveer
Brenda Johnson de la Federación de Maestros de Minneapolis Local 59 y Eva López de SEIU Local 26 en una reunión en octubre de 2023 donde muchos de los grupos comunitarios y sindicatos alineados alrededor de la fecha límite de hoy del 2 de marzo elaboraron estrategias sobre la mejor manera de aprovechar su poder colectivo.
LaborViewpointEn Español
La Historia Laboral Más Importante en Este Momento Está en Minnesota. Podría Ser El Modelo Que Todos Necesitamos.
Una alineación estratégica de redes de sindicatos y grupos comunitarios en Minnesota ha trabajado durante más de una década para aprovechar su poder colectivo.
Sarah Jaffe
The Era of Abundant Labor Reporting Is Coming to an End
Either the labor movement will support journalism, or the good times are finished.
Hamilton Nolan
The Most Important Labor Story Right Now Is in Minnesota—It Might Be the Model We All Need
A strategic alignment of major networks of unions and community groups in Minnesota have worked together for more than a decade to leverage their collective power.
Sarah Jaffe
Thomas Friedman Is a Dinosaur, and a New World Is Here
"Ultimately, Friedman’s latest op-ed isn’t really a criticism of Israel’s actions—it’s a plea that Israel please, please make sure people don’t think badly of its actions."
Yasmin Nair
Supporting Palestinian Rights Used To Be Considered Far Left. Now It’s Mainstream.
It’s clear that the Democratic base has moved on supporting Palestinian rights. Leadership needs to catch up.
Sandra Tamari and Saqib Bhatti
Bring Chicago Home is Still on the Ballot Despite Real Estate Industry's Legal Challenge
Real estate interests want Bring Chicago Home off the ballot, but it remains as the city appeals the legal challenge and organizers continue to campaign for its passage.
Asha Ransby-Sporn
Complicity in Genocide—The Case Against the Biden Administration
Israel’s mass bombardment of civilians in Gaza is being facilitated, aided and abetted by the United States government.
Azadeh Shahshahani and Sofía Verónica Montez
Forget Elections. Build Your Union.
Political power comes from labor power. Not vice versa.
Hamilton Nolan
The War on Gaza Is a Labor Issue
Workers in the U.S. can't look away from Israel's assault on Gaza—our labor is helping fuel the war machine.
Paul Stauffer
Donald Trump Wants to Poison the Soul of the Labor Movement
Trump is trying to court union members by saying he's a "friend" to labor—but he's actually a billionaire scab out to strip workers of their rights.
Jeff Schuhrke
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