Working In These Times

Nurses in the U.S. Are Suffering "Moral Injury"
The pandemic and staffing crisis have left healthcare workers with invisible wounds.
Kari Lydersen
Starbucks Union Files Labor Complaint Claiming Store Closures Are Retaliation
The coffee chain has announced it’s closing 16 stores, including some that have recently unionized. Workers say it’s coercion against labor organizing.
Maxwell Parrott
America Is Breaking the Bargain It Made For Labor Peace
The right wing is starving the government of its ability to guarantee worker rights. Will we let them get away with it?
Hamilton Nolan
The Federal Reserve’s Answer to Inflation Is Class War
The conventional medicine for fighting inflation is to make workers pay. And that is what the Federal Reserve, with Joe Biden’s approval, is planning to do.
Hadas Thier
The CIO Was One of the Most Successful Anti-Racism Movements in U.S. History
How industrial unionism laid the groundwork for today’s anti-racist struggles.
Michael Beyea Reagan
Women Are Taking Over the U.S. Labor Movement
The pandemic has created an opportunity for new movements in industries that haven’t organized before—movements also led by women.
Chabeli Carrazana, The 19th
Frontline Physicians in L.A. Can’t Pay Rent, So They Threatened to Strike
Medical residents and interns in LA County have kept their hospitals running while making minimum wage and struggling to pay rent. Then they overwhelmingly voted to strike and won big.
Maximillian Alvarez
Louisiana Dollar Store Workers Can’t Control Air Conditioning in Their Own Stores
The pandemic and the inflation panic have been a boon to dollar stores, which are spreading rapidly throughout low-income areas and “food deserts,” but dollar store employees are being left behind. That’s why workers and community members are organizing.
Maximillian Alvarez
The Fresh Hell of Depending on Your Employer for Abortion Access
Some companies say they will cover abortion travel. Here's what's wrong with relying on their benevolence.
Sarah Lazare
The Creative Methods Workers Are Using to Stop Bosses' Abuse
Why we need to enforce worker protections to build the labor movement we want.
Brittany Scott
"Definitely It's Retaliation": Starbucks Closes Unionized Store in Ithaca
A conversation with Nadia Vitek, a worker-organizer with Starbucks Workers United.
Maximillian Alvarez
What It's Like Being a Gravedigger During the Pandemic
A conversation with a cemetery worker about politics, life and labor during the Covid crisis.
Maximillian Alvarez
The AFL-CIO's Official New Goal: Continued Decline
The union federation's new organizing plan aims low. Very low.
Hamilton Nolan
The Long, Uphill Battle to Unionize Workers at Religious Institutions
A conversation with Maggie Levantovskaya, a lecturer at a small Jesuit university, about how workers there formed a union, despite the fact that the National Labor Relations Board does not have jurisdiction over religious institutions.
Maximillian Alvarez
How Unions Are Fighting to Protect Abortion Rights
From collective bargaining to creative use of release time, unions can defend the reproductive freedom of their members. Here's how some are doing it.
C.M. Lewis
Intelligentsia Coffee Workers Join Starbucks and Colectivo in Unionizing
The cafe organizing wave continues to grow as workers at all Intelligentsia stores in Chicago file for a union election.
Jeff Schuhrke
One Big Union for Charter Schools?
A conversation with Tyler Powles, who was a 4th-grade teacher at Caliber: Beta Academy for five years, and Erinn Murphy, an education specialist (and school parent) at Caliber: ChangeMakers Academy.
Maximillian Alvarez
These Baristas Have Been on Strike for Over 3 Months to Get Their Union Recognized
At Great Lakes Coffee, workers are on the picket line demanding their rights—part of a growing national movement to organize the cafe industry.
Hannah Faris
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