Another Page Scandal Rumored

Brian Zick

WaPo reporter Dana Milbank told Keith Olbermann last night that “there are rumors now about a third [page scandal], this one involving a 16-year-old girl.” Think Progress has video and a transcript. update: Rich Miller at The Capital Fax blog has stong suspicions the rumor is not true - at least not true in the specific direction it was heading. Miller spoke with a staffer of the congressman in question, who said "the office now believes that the rumor began when reports surfaced that 'one of our pages or interns was hit on by another congressman,' and then morphed from there. Another of Miller's sources "said that all he had heard was that a page whom the congressman had previously sponsored may have had a problem or an issue with Rep. Kolbe, who is under fire for taking a camping trip with some pages." But that's only speculation as well. Left unsatisfactorily addressed, then, is just who "another congressman" is that "hit on" that particular congressman's page or intern.

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