FBI Director Mueller Contradicts Gonzales
Brian Zick
Democrats Request Special Counsel Be Appointed to Investigate Perjury Charges Against Gonzales
Brian Zick
Rove and Deputy Jennings Subpoenaed by Senate Judiciary Committee
Brian Zick
Two Reagan Administration Officials Say Bush Can Be Charged with War Crimes
Brian Zick
NY Times: Congress Should Proceed Against Miers and Bolten Using Powers of Inherent Contempt
Brian Zick
Gonzales Is Gonna Need a Pardon Too
Brian Zick
Contempt Hearings
Brian Zick
Gonzales’ Perjuries
Brian Zick
Even Washington Post Says Gonzales Must Go
Brian Zick
Don Young Joins Fellow Alaska Republican Ted Stevens as Subject of Criminal Inquiry
Brian Zick
Waxman and Davis Make Bipartisan Request for Tillman Documents from White House
Brian Zick
Here’s One Reason Why Conservative Republican Ideology Is Doomed to Failure
Brian Zick
Gonzales Visits the Senate Judiciary Committee Again
Brian Zick
House Judiciary Committee to Vote on Contempt Citations for Miers and Bolton
Brian Zick
Clinton, Webb, Byrd and Bayh Want Hearings On Contingency Planning for Troop Withdrawal
Brian Zick
Condoleezza Who?
Brian Zick
New York Times Editorial: “Just What the Founders Feared: An Imperial President Goes to War&#8
Brian Zick
“Nobody stood up and said the emperor’s wearing no clothes.”
Brian Zick
Feingold Proposes Censuring Bush and Cheney, Reprimand of Gonzales
Brian Zick
NY Times Endorses Use of Inherent Contempt to Pursue Investigations of Bush Administration
Brian Zick
GOP Infighting Over Iraq: Voinovich vs McCain
Brian Zick
Saturday Cartoon
Brian Zick
Quote of the Day
Brian Zick
Michael Moore Visits Stephen Colbert
Brian Zick
WaPo Editorial Explains Inherent Contempt
Brian Zick
Republicans Obstructing Congress with Filibuster More Than Ever Before
Brian Zick
Confrontation Strategy: Using the Powers of the Purse
Brian Zick
Appellate Judges Rule Bush Can’t Conduct Blatant Kangaroo Courts in Military Tribunal Cases
Brian Zick
The Whole World’s Worst Nightmare
Brian Zick
Bush: He Was Against It Before He Falsely Claimed He Was For It
Brian Zick
Dear Democrats: Time to Dust Off Inherent Contempt. If Not You Who? If Not Now When?
Brian Zick
Olbermann Special Comment
Brian Zick
Bush Claims Divine Right of Kings Above the Law
Brian Zick
Conyers to Fielding: Bolton Would Be Wise to Show Up
Brian Zick
Having a “Plan B” Means the Terrorists Win
Brian Zick
Judge Dismisses Plame Lawsuit
Brian Zick
Max Blumenthal’s “Generation Chickenhawk: With The College Republicans”
Brian Zick
John Mellencamp vs Stephen Colbert
Brian Zick
New York Times Editorial: Republican Filibuster Is “Height of Hypocrisy” and Disservice
Brian Zick
Larry Flynt: “I was shocked, especially at one senator”
Brian Zick
Reid Holds Defense Authorization Bill Until Republicans Stop Blocking Vote on Iraq Withdrawal
Brian Zick
Participants in Cheney’s Secret Energy Task Force Revealed
Brian Zick
New York Times Editorial: “The Politics of Fear”
Brian Zick
Duke Cunningham Has Been Chatty - with the Feds
Brian Zick
Contempt Proceedings: Keeping Count
Brian Zick
Miers Still Refuses to Comply with Subpoena
Brian Zick
Cheney Invited to Testify About Klamath Salmon Kill
Brian Zick
House Judiciary Committee Investigating Selective Prosecution of Democrats
Brian Zick
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