Bush Authorized Plame Leak

Brian Zick

Raw Story and Josh Marshall both link to THE NEW YORK SUN reporting that Scooter Libby testified to the grand jury that Bush authorized the leak of the Iraq intelligence estimate which resulted in exposing the covert status of CIA operative Valerie Plame. The Smoking Gun has the 39-page filing by Fitz scroll down to the red arrow near bottom of page for specifics. Will the President fire himself and Big Time Dick? from TIME Magazine's "A chronological look at the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame" 2004 June 10: During a news conference in Sea Island, Ga., at the conclusion of a G-8 summit, Bush answers very directly "Yes" to a journalist's unambiguous question, "Do you stand by your pledge to fire anyone found" to have leaked CIA operative Plame's name? update; Christy at firedoglake has some analysis. update2: The story is on the AP wire. update3: Given that Bush has routinely denounced leaks of classified information, Josh Marshall has offered a reward to anyone who can find an instance of President Bush specifically denouncing this particular leak of the Iraq NIE. Drivers, start your Google search engines. update4: Think Progress laments that not a single question was asked by the White House press corps, this morning, about President Bush authorizing Scooter Libby to share highly classified information with reporters.

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