Campaign for Friend of In These Times Who Is a Finalist In Video Competition

Brian Zick

In These Times editor Joel Bleifuss has a friend, Joe Wilson, a filmmaker who works for the Public Welfare Foundation in Washington D.C., who's video short "We Belong" is a finalist in Current TV's Seed of Tolerance competition. Joel is urging people to view the video and support it in the online contest. The video tells a compelling story about two gay kids from a small town in Pennsylvania (where Joe grew up) who have been harassed in their schools and what they are doing to fight for justice. Winning The Seeds of Tolerance award would help "We Belong" reach an audience of millions on Current TV, and the prize money ($100,000) would help Joe fund the feature-length documentary film he is working on about countering homophobia and other forms of intolerance in small town America. To see the video and cast your vote, go to: Current TV Seeds of Tolerance Contest In order to participate, you must first register, which is simple. 1.) Click Register to Vote. 2.) Click the circle: "No, I want to register with Current TV." 3.) Type your e-mail address, a username and create a password. 4.) click "I agree to the site terms and privacy policy." 5.) Click "Register with Current TV. 6.) Vote for "We Belong," the last video on the bottom right corner of the screen. The winners will be chosen by the number of votes they receive. The deadline is December 1. Joel Bleifuss thanks you, and asks that you please pass along this info to folks you think would be willing to support Joe's efforts.

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