Catching Up On A Few Current Events

Brian Zick

Paul Kiel at TPM Muckraker has a roundup of Tom DeLay news. Premier investigative comedian Harry Shearer somehow came into possession of a video clip, which captured the heart flutters of schoolgirl Chris Matthews, and the object of her affections Tom DeLay. (She said how "good" it was for her, and that she "owes" him.) DeLay sweet talked Miss Tweety with a very catty remark about that vixen Hillary. (Meow!!) via SusanG at dailykos: The new Fighting Dems website is now up ad running. SusanG links to the announcement by Howard Dean and the DNC. The new site reports that "Right now more than fifty veterans are running as Democrats for Congress and dozens more are running up and down the ticket." GOP Congressman Curt Wheldon has decided it is his job to tell parents to which hospitals they are allowed to send their children who suffer from malignant brain tumors. Especially if a parent happens to be running against him for Congress. It never pays to underestimate the stench of nasty irrelevant ordure Republicans are willing to excrete in their electoral campaigns. As atrios notes, in his link to the story, "The article makes clear that Weldon plans to use the tried and true 'smear the Vet' Swift Boat campaign." Jane Hamsher has reprinted a column by Charles Walsh at the Connecticut Post, which questions Joe Lieberman's fidelity to the Democratic Party, and points out several reasons why it is in doubt. This morning, Wednesday, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 AM, the time and date was 01:02:03 04/05/06. update: Crooks and Liars has video of Jon Stewart's interview of John McCain. Stewart, always genial and charming, seriously busts McCain. Stewart: You're not freaking out on us? Are you freaking out on us? Because if you're freaking out and you're going into the crazy base world — are you going into crazy base world? McCain: I'm afraid so. update 2: Al Franken has formed a new political action committee, Midwest Values PAC. At the committee website he's posted the opening statement he made in his debate with Ann Coulter, last Monday, at the Universal Amphitheatre in L.A. Here's some backstory posted at HuffPo.

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