CIA Tells Valerie Plame She Can’t Mention Her Undercover Agency Work In A Book Because It̵
Brian Zick
Mikey Isikoff reports for Newsweek A CIA panel has told former officer Valerie Plame she can't write about her undercover work for the agency, a position that may threaten a lucrative book project with her publisher. Plame's outing as a CIA officer in July 2003 triggered a criminal probe that culminates next week when Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby goes on trial for perjury and obstruction.
Plame recently hired a lawyer to challenge the CIA Publications Review Board, which must clear writings by former employees. The panel refused Plame permission to even mention that she worked for the CIA because she served as a "nonofficial cover" officer (or NOC) posing as a private businesswoman, according to an adviser to Plame, who asked not to be identified discussing a sensitive issue. Let's see now. Bob Novak can mention it. Turdblossom can mention it. Clifford May can mention it. David Corn can mention it. Patrick Fitzgerald can mention it. Wikipedia can mention it. Marcy Wheeler (Emptywheel) can mention it. But Valerie Plame Wilson cannot.
Marcy has a few comments on the implications of the CIA Review Board decision.