DC Residents May At Last Get Full-Fledged Congressional Representation

Brian Zick

AP reports: WASHINGTON: After more than 200 years of paying taxes, fighting in wars and abiding by sometimes arbitrary acts of Congress, Washington, D.C., residents are close to getting their first full-fledged representative in the House of Representatives. (…) The new Democratic majority is expected to take up a bill in the first months of the new Congress that would increase the voting membership of the House from 435 to 437, giving new vote each to Utah, a Republican stronghold, and the District of Columbia, dominated by Democrats. (…) Washington residents have been clamoring for representation ever since the U.S. Congress moved to Washington from Philadelphia in 1800. Regardless, the 600,000 citizens of the district are still the only residents of a national capital in any democracy in the world without full voting rights.via Think Progress

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