Don’t Reward NARAL for Hoarding It’s Money and Endorsing Ringers

Brian Zick

Jane Hamsher at firedoglake argues that since NARAL national looked the other way and didn't spend the money it had when it would have made a difference, fighting for women's reproductive rights by opposing Sam Alito when he was nominated, the organization should not get any financial donations now that Alito's presence on the Court made the anti-abortion decision possible. Jane observes that NARAL bragged about the big wads of dough it got when Sandra Day O'Connor announced her retirement. And what did they do with all that cash? They sat it and didn't do a damn thing, didn't lift a finger to fight Samuel Alito. Worse yet, when the Gang of 14 decided to vote in favor of cloture, they said that they did not consider cloture votes "significant" and would not be considering them in their scorecard. They then went on to add insult to injury by asking their membership to thank Lincoln Chafee and Joe Lieberman for the beatings they delivered with their "aye" cloture vote by pretending that their "nay" floor votes were significant. They then poured salt into the wound by endorsing both "short ride" Lieberman and Chafee over their opponents who made it clear that they would not have voted for cloture for Alito, which gave us the 5-4 decision we have today. Don't reward failure. Tell your friends. Don't give money to NARAL when they come knocking on your door to tell you that choice is going down the crapper unless you give them a lot of money, because what you'll be giving money for is Nancy Keenan's ability to point her little pinky over tea at Washington cocktail parties and tut-tut over the state of choice in this country at the hands of the fundamentalists. She'll take no responsibility for the fact that NARAL will not fight, will not back those that fight, and worse yet, that NARAL sucks up all the pro-choice money so nobody else can mount a meaningful fight, either.

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