Libby Defense May Seek to Highlight Infighting Over Intelligence Failures
SusanG at dailykos links to this story from AP and sums up Libby's operative legal justification:
"So much underhanded, back-stabbing crap was going on, a man can't be expected to remember if he possibly violated the Espionage Act during wartime, lied about it and committed perjury."
update: witness scorecard
a potential witness list according to papers filed by Libby's lawyers:
Richard Armitage, former deputy secretary of state.
Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary.
Marc Grossman, former undersecretary of state for political affairs.
Colin Powell, the former secretary of state.
Karl Rove, the deputy White House chief of staff.
George Tenet, the former CIA director.
Joseph Wilson, a former U.S. ambassador.
Valerie Plame Wilson.
Stephen Hadley, currently the president's national security adviser.
A CIA briefer referred to in the indictment, though not by name. (The court papers identify the person as "Craig Schmall, Peter Clement or Matt Barrett.")
A senior CIA official referred to in the indictment, "who may be either Robert Grenier or John McLaughlin."
Former CIA spokesman Bill Harlow.
(follow link for some explanations of who, what and why)
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