A 3 Tub Story
Murray Waas has a new piece up at the National Journal.
Waas reports:
"Both Libby and Cheney have repeatedly insisted that the vice president never encouraged, directed, or authorized Libby to disclose Plame's identity. In a court filing on April 12, Libby's attorneys reiterated: "Consistent with his grand jury testimony, Mr. Libby does not contend that he was instructed to make any disclosures concerning Ms. Wilson [Plame] by President Bush, Vice President Cheney, or anyone else."
But the disclosure that Cheney instructed Libby to leak portions of a classified CIA report on Joseph Wilson adds to a growing body of information showing that at the time Plame was outed as a covert CIA officer the vice president was deeply involved in the White House effort to undermine her husband. "
Steve Soto reads the Waas story and asks, "Are Bush/Rove Ready To Throw Cheney Under The Bus On Plame?"
Jane at firedoglake concludes that "The evidence that Cheney was a key architect in the effort to discredit Wilson — and quite possibly Fitzgerald’s target — is growing."
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