Florida-13 Update

Brian Zick

Mark K. Matthews for the Orlando Sentinel reports: WASHINGTON -- Democrat Christine Jennings filed a formal appeal with Congress on Wednesday, asking lawmakers to investigate voting problems in Florida's 13th Congressional District, an election she lost by fewer than 400 votes. Jennings said she hoped the complaint will compel Congress to force a revote in the disputed Sarasota-area race, which was won by Republican Vern Buchanan. (…) Two recounts have certified Buchanan as the winner of the Gulf Coast seat, but Jennings has challenged the results because about 18,000 voters in Sarasota County did not register a vote in the close race. Problems with touch-screen voting machines are suspected, and Jennings has filed suit in Florida to gain access to the computer-programming code. "The public deserves to know what is going on with these machines," Jennings said. (…) As of Wednesday, congressional aides said they were trying to determine how Jennings' appeal would be processed. In some previous contests, the Committee on House Administration appointed a task force to review the election. After an investigation -- which can take weeks to months -- the panel will present its findings to the full committee. Depending on what the committee decides, the review could then be passed along to a full House vote. At that point, any number of scenarios can occur -- including a call for a revote, a decision to sit one candidate or an agreement to let the state results stand. "There's no playbook for this thing," said Salley Collins, committee spokeswoman. The committee may not even appoint a task force to the case, which also has happened in previous contests. CA Democrat at dailykos has more, with continuing updates. via Chris Bowers at MyDD

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