GOP House Candidate Warren Redlich Endorses Dem Gillibrand Over Republican Sweeney

Brian Zick

Republican candidate for Congress in New York's 21st district, Warren Redlich, was kind to stop by and leave a comment on the previous John Sweeney post. He alerted us to his support for Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand in her 20th district contest versus John Sweeney. Warren has posted an explanation for his decision at his own blog, Albany, NY: Republican congressional candidate Warren Redlich (21st District) announced today he is endorsing the Democrat congressional candidate in his neighboring district, Kirsten Gillibrand (20th District), as an act of conscience designed to alert voters to the drastic need for change in Washington. "Congressman John Sweeney (R-20th District) is the classic illustration of what happens over time when incumbents feel secure," said Redlich. "His corrupt, big spending ways are far too frequent byproducts of a failed electoral process that is producing self-serving career politicians from both parties." Redlich endorsed Gillibrand, Sweeney's opponent, because "Gillibrand has been able to do what few candidates can do --- offer a competitive challenge to an entrenched incumbent." Redlich released "The Sweeney File," a compilation of Congressman Sweeney's corrupt behavior and his big spending record in the House of Representatives. The corruption includes funneling campaign cash to his wife and junkets with lobbyists to Pacific islands and a posh ski resort.

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