Harry Reid wrote a letter telling President Bush to disclose his and Dick Cheney's role in the leak of intelligence information.
WASHINGTON, April 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Today, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid sent the following letter urging the President to fully disclose his role in the selective leak of intelligence information to the American people.
As long as the defense of "ongoing legal proceedings" is used by the White House to deny critical facts to public, the American people will not "see the truth" you pledged to provide. In fact, the White House strategy only raises further questions. For example, in addition to Mr. Libby, have you directed anyone else in your Administration to disclose classified information to reporters? Was any other highly classified data, beyond that contained in the National Intelligence Estimate, selectively leaked to reporters or other persons outside of your Administration, and if so, why? And, why did you tell the American people on October 13, 2003, that you "don't know of anybody in (your) administration who leaked classified information"?
via Georgia10 at dailykos
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