And you think you're being gouged by gas prices.
Art Brodsky at TPM Cafe: Congress Is Giving Away the Internet, and You Won't Like Who Gets It
Matt Stoller at MyDD provides a graphic explanation by Alex Curtis at Public Knowledge.
MoveOn explains Network Neutrality in pointed detail, and why it is imperative to save it.
Brodsky says "House Commerce Committee next Wednesday is likely to vote to turn control of the Internet over to AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, Time Warner and what’s left of the telecommunications industry."
And he recalls to mind the "100 years of history of anti-competitive behavior by the phone companies."
According to Brodsky, a couple weeks ago, Ed Markey, Rick Boucher, Anna Eshoo and Jay Inslee proposed language in Subcommittee to protect the Internet. But just three other Democrats, and one Republican, voted with them for it.
MoveOn has an online petition to preserve Network Neutrality as we know it.
You can also contact members of the Energy and Commerce Committee directly.
Democrat contact info
John D. Dingell, Michigan: (202) 225-4071
Ranking Member
Henry A. Waxman, California: (202) 225-3976
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts: (202) 225-2836
Rick Boucher, Virginia: (202) 225-3861
Edolphus Towns, New York: (202) 225-5936
Frank Pallone Jr., New Jersey: (202) 225-4671
Sherrod Brown, Ohio: (202) 225-3401
Bart Gordon, Tennessee: (202) 225-4231
Bobby L. Rush, Illinois: (202) 225-4372
Anna G. Eshoo, California: (202) 225-8104
Bart Stupak, Michigan: (202) 225-4735
Eliot L. Engel, New York: (202) 225-2464
Albert R. Wynn, Maryland: (202) 225-8699
Gene Green, Texas: (202) 225-1688
Ted Strickland, Ohio: (202) 225-5705
Diana DeGette, Colorado: (202) 225-4431
Lois Capps, California: (202) 225-3601
Mike Doyle, Pennsylvania: (202) 225-2135
Tom Allen, Maine: (202) 225-6116
Jim Davis, Florida: (202) 225-3376
Jan Schakowsky, Illinois: (202) 225-2111
Hilda L. Solis, California: (202) 225-5464
Charles A. Gonzalez, Texas: (202) 225-3236
Jay Inslee, Washington: (202) 225-6311
Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin: (202) 225-2906
Mike Ross, Arkansas: (202) 225-3772
Republican contact info
Joe Barton, Texas: (202) 225-2002
Ralph M. Hall, Texas: (202) 225-6673
Michael Bilirakis, Florida: (202) 225-5755
Vice Chairman
Fred Upton, Michigan: (202) 225-3761
Cliff Stearns, Florida: (202) 225-5744
Paul E. Gillmor, Ohio: (202) 225-6405
Nathan Deal, Georgia: (202) 225-5211
Ed Whitfield, Kentucky: (202) 225-3115
Charlie Norwood, Georgia: (202) 225-4101
Barbara Cubin, Wyoming: (202) 225-2311
John Shimkus, Illinois: (202) 225-5271
Heather Wilson, New Mexico: (202) 225-6316
John B. Shadegg, Arizona: (202) 225-3361
Charles "Chip" Pickering, Mississippi: (202) 225-5031
Vice Chairman
Vito Fossella, New York: (202) 225-337
Roy Blunt, Missouri: (202) 225-6536
Steve Buyer, Indiana: (202) 225-5037
George Radanovich, California: (202) 225-4540
Charles F. Bass, New Hampshire: (202) 225-5206
Joseph R. Pitts, Pennsylvania: (202) 225-2411
Mary Bono, California: (202) 225-5330
Greg Walden, Oregon: (202) 225-6730
Lee Terry, Nebraska: (202) 225-4155
Mike Ferguson, New Jersey: (202) 225-5361
Mike Rogers, Michigan: (202) 225-4872
C.L. "Butch" Otter, Idaho: (202) 225-6611
Sue Myrick, North Carolina: (202) 225-1976
John Sullivan, Oklahoma: (202) 225-2211
Tim Murphy, Pennsylvania: (202) 225-2301
Michael Burgess, Texas: (202) 225-7772
Marsha Blackburn, TennesseeL (202) 225-2811
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