Thanks to all those who chimed in regarding the seemingly awkwardly timed congressional attention to atrocities committed against Armenians. Initially, it appeared that the United States Congress was exhibiting yet another exercise of moral nearsightedness (think of the genocidal acts within our own borders!), behavior that speaks volumes about the circumvented and selective means of addressing domestic human rights violations. Then things became a bit clearer.
The acknowledgment of genocide is always a progressive thing to do. The drafting of a resolution officially declaring the Turk violence against Armenians takes things one step further. It’s easy to understand the Bush Administration’s dissatisfaction with this resolution: It came from a Democrat-led congress. The resolution spells possible ruin for the key factors enabling a continued U.S. military presence in Iraq. Turkey is more than just another friendly ally to the Bush Administration; it’s a gateway and launch pad for the ongoing war.
In getting back to the issues of moral nearsightedness, it’s imperative that the drafting of resolutions that label mass murderous behaviors as genocidal acts be available for all, namely Native and African Americans. It’s a shame that these two groups should have to continue to be deprived the healing and reparations that having the injustices against acknowledged as genocidal could initiate.
by Davie Williams, publishing intern
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