In a time of economic recession, outlandish gas prices, and a national rising deficit our children’s children will be paying off, the last thing college or high school students should be worrying about is an annually growing tuition fee. An arm and a leg of college debt has become a standard amongst students today of all races and socio-economic classes. However, it does seem like there is a light at the end of a dismal tunnel. Stanford University today announced a big boost in financial aid that would give free tuition to most undergraduates from families that earn less than $100,000 a year and a complete package of tuition, room and board to those whose household incomes are less than $60,000.
Although Stanford’s acceptance rate is diminutive, especially for out of state students, one can’t deny the domino effect after Yale, Harvard, and Ponoma’s lead in the cheaper cost of higher education. When lower to middle class families can depend on a free or even a discounted education, hopefully students can move past a day where they are knee-high in debt before they even receive their diploma.
Maybe it won’t be a stifling $100,000 a year to send my kids to college after all…
By Suzanne Block
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