In Some Other News

Brian Zick

Tom Harkin is asking for the public's help in giving Democrats some spine to censure Bush. "I tell you, we’ve got to get some more backbone to a lot of democrats. We need to hear from people. We need to hear from people. The American people need to know, and to show support for this resolution." --- Steve Clemons thinks this morning's revelations that Bush is the Leaker King might improve chances some for the censure proposal. --- Charles Kuffner tries to figure out whether or not there will be a special election to replace DeLay in TX-22, and who would benefit one way or the other. Democrat Nick Lampson is arguing in favor of a special election, the Repubs seem disinclined. --- Holden at First Draft asks if Joe Klein and Karen Tumulty are acquainted with accused internet pedophile/Homeland Security press flack Brian Doyle. Seems Mr. Doyle worked for 26 years on the Washington news desk at Time Magazine. --- Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi employs his own unique polling methodologies. The Mirror UK reports: ITALY'S PM CALLS SEX CHAT GIRLS He told party workers at a briefing: "Seven out of the nine young ladies I called said they preferred me, which is very good news indeed." One aide said: "He was delighted that the women were in favour of him. It certainly perked him up." But a member of [campaign opponent] Mr Prodi's camp said: "These women say anything to please the desperate men who call them." (via Joel Bleifuss) --- David Corn posts Bob Woodward's rebuttal to the comparison made between the Manning Memo and Woodard's description of the meeting in Plan of Attack. And then David supplies a surrebuttal. (Basically, the esteemed Mr. Woodward still fails to grasp that his insider access reporting methods - at least in this case for certain - rather severely shaded reality instead of casting it in bright light.)

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