Jane Hamsher at firedoglake reported that Byron Dorgan is having a press conference 11:00 AM Monday, at the Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room SD-124, to talk about the need for congressional oversight of war profiteering. He'll be sharing the microphone with Robert Greenwald, who made Iraq For Sale. Several former Halliburton and KBR employees who appear in Robert’s film will also be there.
Following, at 2:00 PM, Dorgan, Harry Reid, Patrick Leahy, Jeff Bingaman and Mark Dayton will hold an oversight hearing to "seek accountability for contracting abuses in Iraq." The hearing will be in Room 538 of the Dirksen Building, and witnesses include many who appear in Greenwald's film: Julie McBride a former Halliburton employee at Camp Fallujah in Iraq; Edward Sanchez and Sean Larvenz, former Halliburton truck drivers in Iraq; Scott Allen, an attorney who represents survivors of the April 2004 convoy attack; Alan Grayson, an attorney who represents Ms. McBride in a False Claims Act suit that seeks to recover mis-spent funds from Halliburton on behalf of the U.S. Government.
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