Jack Carter Op-Ed Condemns GOP’s Un-American Pro-Torture Legislation

Brian Zick

Matt Stoller at MyDD calls attention to Nevada Democratic Senate candidate Carter's commentary. There is no doubt that torturing people is un-American. There is no doubt that unfettered eavesdropping on Americans by the executive branch is un-American. There is no doubt that holding prisoners without due process is un-American. These are the spear marks our attackers left, every bit as much a wound as the gaping hole in New York’s skyline. These were inflicted, not by suicide bombers, but by Fear – the opponent of Values and the “other” weapon in the terrorists’ arsenal. We must defend our families and our values as fiercely as we attack our enemies. Our government must fight Terrorists, but our Values must battle Terror. These principles define us. They make us American more than geography ever did. This administration does not appear to understand that being “serious about fighting this war” requires us to defend our values. Defense of our values is not a sign of weakness, it’s the foundation from which we launch our attack.

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