Lee Bandy for The State reports that Joe Biden was the guest speaker at a Columbia, South Carolina, Rotary Club luncheon. The audience: predominantly Republican.
Biden humorously took note of that in his opening remarks.
“I want to thank you all for allowing me a trip here to speak to only Republicans. It’s like my hometown. I just won every district in my state except the one I live in,” he quipped.
The crowd howled.
The senator then pounced on a member’s announcement that the club would hold its annual Christmas party at the state Department of Archives and History where members could view the original copy of the state’s Articles of Secession.
Biden asked, “Where else could I go to a Rotary Club where (for a) Christmas party the highlight is looking at the Articles?”
Biden was on a roll.
Delaware, he noted, was a “slave state that fought beside the North. That’s only because we couldn’t figure out how to get to the South. There were a couple of states in the way.”
The crowd loved it. "Loved it" indeed! “I’ve been a member of this club for 31 years,” said Jim Covington, a media specialist. “I’ve never seen so many Republicans staying behind.”
Retired Army Gen. John Blount said he was impressed, and “I’m a Republican.”
“I could vote for him,” commented Gayle Averyt, a retired insurance executive and major contributor to the GOP.
Crawford Clarkson, a retired account executive, said Biden’s speech “was outstanding. He had something to say. Right now, I would say he’s the best the Democrats have to offer in 2008.”
“Senator, will you please do me a favor and run for president?” pleaded Debbie Yoho with the Greater Columbia Literacy Council. Via Atrios via Corrente via Lauren at MyDD
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