Letter as Image

Brian Zick

For folks who reside in the Los Angeles area (or who are so appreciative of exceptional art they are willing to travel), there is a terrific show coming up soon at Harold's Gallery at Insync Media The show is titled: Letter as Image/Image as Letter reception April 6, 2006, 6-9 PM (please phone 1-310-680-2444 to RSVP) 550 North Oak Street, Inglewood, CA 90302 here's a map A half dozen of the most creative and influential lettering design artists of the last 25 years - Michael Doret, Tom Nikosey, Gerry Huerta, Danny Pelavin, Peter Greco and Tom White - have assembled a group exhibition. see samples of their work here: Michael Doret Tom Nikosey Gerry Huerta Danny Pelavin Tom White Peter Greco is an old luddite curmudgeon who works the old fashioned way; he has eschewed the digital age and doesn't have a website. I've been acquainted with some of these folks for quite awhile. Michael, however, is a particularly good friend, who I have been fortunate to know for a very long time (you know they're really good friends when they offer to help you move). He was already a significant accomplished talent when he designed the promotional logo for the Simon & Garfunkel reunion concert in Central Park, way back in 1981. He's one of those genuinely creative individuals who will be admired by the art history books in 200 years. (Don't take my word for it; his paying clients have pretty well ensured that case.) Lettering design has been around since the Illuminated text in manuscripts from 400 AD or so. But examples don't ordinarily enjoy recognition more broadly as complete works of art unto themselves. So this is quite a noteworthy show.

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