Lieberman and Hannity, Both Terrified of Dissent, Eject Legit Ticket Holders from Public Events
Brian Zick
On Tuesday, Jane Hamsher from firedoglake and Spazeboy were booted out of Joe Lieberman's campaign event with Bill Clinton. (Jane reports here and Spazeboy here.) They had legit tickets, but were recognized as Lamont supporters, from previous events, and so they got the boot. Spazeboy was confronted by a Lieberman staffer who brought a cop and said, “Officer, he’s a known protester.”
And last week, Mike Stark of Callingallwingnuts attended Sean Hannity's so-called "Freedom Concert" at the Six Flags park in New Jersey, with Evan Derkacz from AlterNet. And they too were given the heave-ho, in their case solely because they were recognized as "liberals."
via Tracy Van Slyke