Lieberman Campaign Caught Fabricating Outright Lie

Brian Zick

Bill Scher at Liberal Oaisis reports that the Lieberman campaign has aired a TV ad featuring a bogus bumper sticker which it has attributed to the Lamont campaign. Bill says: A graphic of a "NO MORE JOE" sticker is shown. The second line of the sticker reads: "Ned Lamont * Democrat for U.S. Senate". In the bottom right corner of the sticker is a URL, "" Problem is: there is no "" Go to the URL now, all you find is a placehoder page from the domain name registration company Go Daddy. A search of the WHOIS database finds that the domain name was purchased not around the time Ned Lamont was considering a campaign, but in August 2004, by Paul Bentz of Highground, Inc. Highground is a Republican political consulting firm in Arizona. Based on this Arizona Sports Fans Network bulletin board thread, it appears that was once a website attacking Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was in a GOP primary against Dan Saban that summer. via mcjoan at dailykos

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