A couple days behind on this:
Nate Anderson for Ars Technica reports on the lawsuit against AT&T filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation over NSA spying.
"The evidence that we are filing supports our claim that AT&T is diverting Internet traffic into the hands of the NSA wholesale, in violation of federal wiretapping laws and the Fourth Amendment," said EFF Staff Attorney Kevin Bankston. "More than just threatening individuals' privacy, AT&T's apparent choice to give the government secret, direct access to millions of ordinary Americans' Internet communications is a threat to the Constitution itself. We are asking the Court to put a stop to it now."
back to this morning
Christy at firedoglake has posted a headline parade:
For President, First a Leak; Now a Jam (NYTimes)
The Leaker In Chief (The Louisville Courier-Journal)
Bush’s Leak (The Boston Globe)
Spin Cycle Springs a Leak (LATimes)
Critics Label Bush Hypocrite for Authorizing Leak (Houston Chronicle)
Another White House Is Buying Silence (Boston Globe)
White House Defends Leak as "In the Public Interest" (NYDaily News via San Jose Mercury News)
Leak-Hating President as Leaker (ABCNews)
DemFromCT at The Next Hurrah tallies up the nightmares in A Bad Week For Republicans.
Kos calls attention to the article in the Hartford Courant headlined "Perplexing No-Show By Joe," in which Democrats and Republicans alike observe Lieberman being "conspicuous in his silence" about Bush's "declassification/not a leak."
"Analysts and operatives in both parties said Friday they were puzzled that Lieberman, whose perceived coziness with the Republican president is fueling a primary challenge by Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont, found nothing to say about Bush for 28 hours."
"One Democratic supporter, who did not want to be quoted by name criticizing Lieberman, described himself Friday as flabbergasted by the senator's inability to capitalize on the Bush leak story."
More articles by Brian Zick
FBI Director Mueller Contradicts Gonzales
Brian Zick
Democrats Request Special Counsel Be Appointed to Investigate Perjury Charges Against Gonzales
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Rove and Deputy Jennings Subpoenaed by Senate Judiciary Committee
Brian Zick