Net Neutrality Alert

Brian Zick

Christy at firedoglake posts an alert that Ted Stevens is going to call a cloture vote on Thursday, before Congress is scheduled to recess this week. Apparently Stevens has been leaning on three Senators: Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, and Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. Please call and/or FAX these Senators and let them know how important it is that they vote against cloture: Senator Blanche Lambert Lincoln (D- AR) Phone: 202-224-4843 FAX: 202-228-1371 Email: Senator Ben Nelson (D- NE) Phone: 202-224-6551 FAX: 202-228-0012 Email: Senator Joseph I. Lieberman (D- CT) Phone: 202-224-4041 FAX: 202-224-9750 Email:

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