Scott Finn for the Charleston Gazette reports: Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., says she was not told about suggestive e-mails that a Florida congressman sent to a 16-year-old former Capitol page, even though she is one of three representatives who oversee the page program.
“There’s only three of us on the page board. I feel that we should have been informed,” Capito said. “I’m absolutely disgusted by what I’m hearing. I was caught totally unaware.”
Capito said she would have been very concerned if she had read those e-mails.
“I don’t think it would pass the sniff test,” she said. “Even asking those questions — that is not normal between a 52-year-old adult and a 16-year-old. It’s not like they’re family friends or anything. I think it would raise some serious questions. But I wasn’t given that opportunity.”
Capito said she heard about the explicit e-mails and instant messages from the media. She heard Friday afternoon that Foley resigned and then found Shimkus waiting for her in her office. That’s when she discovered that Shimkus and other Republican House leaders already knew about some of the e-mails, she said.
“I was astounded he knew about this before,” Capito said. “I thought they were as surprised as I was.” via John at AMERICAblog
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