Steve Soto urges Democrats to preemptively call attention to possible vote machine fraud in close electoral contests in districts governed by Republican election officials. The DCCC needs to put together a data base now of who governs the election machinery in all of these vulnerable GOP seats, and on whose equipment each district's voters will be voting. The DCCC and bloggers can then begin pushing the narrative with local media in each of those districts to be on the lookout for possible election fraud by the local GOP election officials and their enablers amongst the election machinery contractors, an outcome that has already been documented in previous elections by John Conyers and others. Considering the election fraud in 2004, thoroughly documented by ITT editor Joel Bleifuss and Steven F. Freeman, and Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee John Conyers, and the well established Republican history of dishonesty and aggressive voter suppression tactics - including bogus voter roll purges, phone jamming, voter scam leaflets and mailers - the concern for potential abuse of electronic voting machines is totally justified. Katherine Harris and Kenneth Blackwell have proven that Republicans simply can't be trusted to honestly manage elections.
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