Purged Prosecutor Iglesias Says Rove Should Face Obstruction of Justice Charges

Brian Zick

Michael Gisick for the Albuquerque Tribune reports: After years of cautiousness and understatement in his dealings with the media, Iglesias, the private citizen, seems happy to unburden himself. He says President Bush's top adviser, Karl Rove, should face obstruction of justice charges if certain things Iglesias assumes to be true can be proven. Specifically: Bush's political architect directed Iglesias' firing because he refused to rush the indictment of a former state Democratic powerhouse, Manny Aragon, ahead of last year's elections. He calls the Bush administration a "major disappointment" and compares it with an airliner in a culture where no one dares question the pilot, who is flying straight into a mountain. (…) Several of the fired prosecutors, such as himself, were in the midst of public corruption investigations when they were forced out, a similarity Iglesias calls "disturbing." "I think all roads lead to Rove," Iglesias says. "I think that's why the president is circling some pretty major wagons around him to keep him from testifying under oath, which subjects him to criminal prosecution." (…) Getting fired has already led to some good, Iglesias says. Several figures behind the firings have resigned, and Gonzales remains under pressure from both parties to do the same. A portion of the USA Patriot Act that allowed the president to indefinitely appoint interim U.S. attorneys has been repealed. "It was supposed to be terrorism legislation, not the `full-time crony employment act,' " Iglesias says. via Think Progress

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