•More on the Robb-Silberman WMD Commission coverup of Bush's war lies:
Paul Kiel at TPM Muckraker compares and contrasts what CIA official Tyler Drumheller said last night on 60 Minutes with what was reported by the Robb-Silberman Commission.
•The bottom line is, as atrios observes, "we are dealing with liars who support torture." That pretty much sums up everything you need to know about these people.
atrios: Liars and Torturers
Matthew Yglesias: SECRETS AND LIES
Mark Kleiman: Secret prisons: Red Blogistan de-compensates
•Bar and Poppy send the Consigliere to try and save Bush's ass:
Steven Weisman in the NY Times reports: Baker, Bush Family Fixer, Will Advise President on Iraq
via Steve Gilliard, who thinks this "is the last ditch effort to tell Bush it's time to go before the next Congress says we go."
•Lo tech creative advertising in the Netherlands.
via HuffPo
•Greg Saunders at This Modern World provides The Only Campaign Ad The Democrats Should Need
via Tracy Van Slyke
•Congressional Republicans display terminal pettiness.
jesselee at The Stakeholder reports
It is literally like the behavior described by historian Stephen Z. Starr, describing the mentality behind the secession of the Southern States and the resultant Civil War.
via mcjoan at dailykos
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