Kansas Democratic candidate Nancy Boyda has posted this "ROBO CALL NOTICE!!!!"Someone is flooding homes with harassing robo calls. They are making it sound like many are coming from the Boyda campaign. These calls are part of the dirty tricks funded by billion dollar lobbyists from back East.
Our campaign made only one call last week and it was a positive message. Please download this message and pass it one to your email contacts and ask everyone to vote for Nancy Boyda. Nancy will expand the privacy no call list to stop political robo calls. Ryun voted to allow these political calls and is now using them in this campaign.
We have received calls from all over the district that our yard signs are being stolen. Chalk that up to more dirty politics. Please report the incident to the police department.
Please tell everyone you know about these issues! New Hampshire Channel 9 reports on the Republican National Committee's purposefully deceitful harrassment robocalls: CONCORD, N.H. -- It turns out that some of the political phone messages Granite Staters are receiving as Election Day nears may be illegal. The issue revolves around the national Do Not Call registry.
A homeowner in Hillsboro received the same message several times in one day. It began by stating it had information about Paul Hodes, the Democratic challenger for the 2nd Congressional District.
After a few seconds, the ad turns on the attack. It isn't until the end that you find out it was sponsored by the Republican National Congressional Committee.
"It is not permissable to send prerecorded political calls to individuals who are on the Do Not Call list in New Hampshire," said Assistant Attorney General Jim Kennedy.
While political calls are exempt from the federal Do Not Call regulations, New Hampshire modified that law when the state adopted it. It makes prerecorded political messages illegal if they're called to people on the registry.
Alex Borgus, a spokesman for the Republican National Congressional Committee, told News 9 that the group complies with all federal laws regarding automatic calls. Borgus said that the calls in New Hampshire would continue up to the elections.
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