Schumer v Kos?

Brian Zick

Kos is (rather understandably) hostile to the idea of Chuck Schumer - and the DSCC - prospectively favoring an indie candidate Joe Lieberman over a Democrat primary winner Ned Lamont. Chuck Todd for The Hotline speculates about the "official" legal prerequisites for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee to financially support an independent candidate. Todd asks whether, before the DSCC can give a candidate dough, the state Democratic Party must endorse the candidate. And if Lamont wins the primary and Lieberman bolts to run as an indie, what are the chances that the state party would endorse an ex-Democrat over the party's primary winner. (via Taegan Goddard) And now Lieberman's party bolting potential has become a national story. Susan Haigh for AP reports that "Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman, warily watching his primary challenger advance in the polls, must soon decide whether to start collecting signatures for a possible independent bid this November."

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