“smoking gun” proof of Bush spying on innocent citizens?

Brian Zick

In a post titled Safeguarding The Smoking Gun? georgia10 at dailykos details a very important story about the illegal NSA wiretapping saga. She describes how two attorneys, representing a client with alleged terrorist connections (against who charges were ultimately dropped), were accidentally given government documents which were transcripts of conversations they had with their client! They believe these docs represent proof positive of the Bush government's illegality in spying on citizens, and have filed suit. The judge in their case in Portland has had to safeguard the documents, and because the FBI is a defendant in the case, he would not allow the Portland office of the FBI to hold them, so they have been stored at the U.S. Attorney's office in Seattle. In its report of the story, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer adds: In a separate development, The Oregonian newspaper reported Thursday that it had filed suit last week seeking documents in the case. "If the government is committing crimes against its citizens, the public is entitled to know the nature of the crimes," said the newspaper's attorney, Charles Hinkle.

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