That wacky fun-lovin' bunch over at the WaPo online have decided to entertain the blogoverse by purposefully setting their heads on fire. They got all sorts of attention all day Tuesday from across the b-sphere, with the announcement of their new-hire right-wing blogger Ben Domanech (purposefully selected, as atrios observed, to add a conservative blogger to balance the liberal blogger they don't actually have). His first post is one of those irresistable laugh-at-him-not-with-him funny displays of right-wing goofiness - complete with nostalgic adulation for Right Wing Landia's perhaps all-time favorite paranoia movie, Red Dawn - (y'know, the one in which 6 teenagers all by themselves save America from the invading Soviet hordes).
I wasn't inclined to post anything about this earlier, because it struck me as rather a bit tangential to, like, actual news of the day. But it got so much attention.
atrios (several posts)
Brad DeLong
Oliver Willis
Josh Marshall
The Left Coaster
Steve Gilliard
And that's just from a cursory look around.
If you are unfamiliar with the story, E&P has all the straight info. But Jane Hamsher at firedoglake has the runaway winning entry for over-the-top Robin/Billy/Whoopi funny account, delivered as a thank you letter to the Post's online editor Jim Brady.
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