Special Nationwide Coverage: May Day Protests

Activists across the country are breathing life back into International Workers’ Day—and we’ve got live coverage.

In These Times Staff

People gather in front of the Saint Charles university ahead of a demonstration to protest against the pension overhauls, in Marseille, southern France, on December 5, 2019 as part of a national general strike. -(Photo by Clement MAHOUDEAU / AFP)

For reports from staff writers Rebecca Burns (Chicago) and Bhaskar Sunkara (NYC), visit the Uprising blog, which also features live tweeting.

[View the story Live Coverage: May Day Protests Nationwide” on Storify]

Live Coverage: May Day Protests Nationwide

Journalists from over 25 leading independent media outlets report on May Day actions nationwide. Welcome to media for the 99%.

Storified by The Media Consortium · Mon, Apr 30 2012 03:41:24

On May 1, immigration, labor, and occupy activists across the country will take to the streets to attempt a general strike in protest of anti-immigration legislation, economic inequality, and unfair labor practices.
Occupy Prepares for May Day: No Work, No School, No Banking | The NationOccupy Prepares for May Day: No Work, No School, No Banking | The Nation
Why This May Day MattersThis year, the day is about occupying the space and the time to create a different world. If the mainstream media was confused about Occu…
What actions have these activists planned?
On May Day, Expect Scores of Rallies, Marches, Creative Actions | Activism | AlterNetAn Occupy Wall Street organizer I know - one of the original ones, from the planning meetings before the occupation began last September …
How do these many different activists, each with their own visions, plan to coordinate together? 
How to Change a System: Occupy and the Question of Non-Violence | National Radio ProjectThere’s a raging debate within the Occupy movement over what tactics should be used. On this edition, a debate from Oakland, California b…
Scott Tucker: May Day 2012: The Call for a General Strike - TruthdigIn the winter of 2011, discussion about calling a general strike had already begun within Occupy Los Angeles. At the end of January 2012,…
On the first of May, the Occupy Wall Street movement hopes to leverage the labor holiday known as May Day and muster enough people power to blockade the Golden Gate Bridge — assuming, that is, that striking bridge workers take the lead. We can’t do an action for them; we have to do the action with them,’ says Lauren Smith, a spokeswoman for Occupy Oakland.” - Mother Jones
Occupy Aching for a May Day ComebackOn the first of May, the Occupy Wall Street movement hopes to leverage the labor holiday known as May Day and muster enough people power …
The fight for labor rights and income equality has reentered mainstream awareness after the Occupy Wall Street movement started last fall, but the origin of the 99 percent’s struggle goes back to the 18th century:
Behind May Day, a centuries-long struggle for worker rights | Free Speech Radio NewsWhether among New York City’s car washers or workers in cities across the country, the gap between labor and bosses, workers and those wh…

The text is from the poem “QUADRENNIAL” by Golden, reprinted with permission. It was first published in the Poetry Project. Inside front cover photo by Golden.
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