Specter’s Judiciary Committee Oversight Of Illegal NSA Wiretapping? Maybe Not So Nevermind.
Brian Zick
Arlen Specter said the "S" word to Dick Cheney: "subpoenas."
Raw Story reports that Senator Specter wrote a letter to Vice President Cheney.
Specter’s anger peaked Tuesday after he learned that Cheney had been lobbying Republican members of the committee to “oppose any Judiciary Committee hearing, even a closed one” that involved telephone companies that have cooperated with the NSA. “I was surprised, to the say the least, that you sought to influence, really determine, the action of the Committee without calling me first, or at least calling me at some point,” Specter wrote in the letter, adding that “this was especially perplexing since we both attended the Republicans Senators caucus lunch yesterday and I walked directly in front of you on at least two occasions en route from the buffet to my table.”
Specter warned Cheney that this stonewalling must end and that “if an accommodation cannot be reached … The Judiciary Committee will consider confronting the issue with subpoenas and enforcement of that compulsory process if it appears that a majority vote will be forthcoming.”
CNN has posted a link to a pdf copy of the letter here.
Judiciary Committee members here (a majority vote would require all Dems and two Repubs).
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