If you get tired of the scripted words coming from inside the Pepsi Center in Denver (or if your Perimeter Pass, courtesy of the Senate Press Credentials Office, doesn't grant you access to the first night of the ball) let images taken around the Democratic National Convention do the talking.
I hope to make it inside the Pepsi Center for Michelle Obama's speech tonight (Ted Kennedy is to offer a taped speech as well, but rumors are rampant that he's actually in Denver). In the meantime, here are a few outside shots around the perimeter:
H-O-P-E is the four-letter-word of choice for Democrats this election season.
How do you watch your CNN? With a little free ice cream outside the Pepsi Center, perhaps?
Anti-abortion activists left these flowers outside the perimeter of the Pepsi Center a week before the Democratic Convention. They're already wilting.
Jacob Wheeler is a contributing editor at In These Times.