The Iraq Veterans Memorial: A Living Online Memorial to U.S. Soldiers Killed During the Iraq War

Brian Zick

Filmmaker Robert Greenwald and Brave New Foundation has announced the Iraq Veterans Memorial. "The memorial will be comprised of 60 second videos from loved ones memorializing the life of a soldier lost to the war. This will be an online destination for people to honor the fallen and ensure we will always remember." It will be unveiled on March 19th, 2007, the four year anniversary of the war. The project is soliciting video contributions, and commitments to host the video testimonials on blogs, web sites and MySpaces, to be posted on March 19th. The venture is a partnership of the Brave New Foundation and Iraq veterans groups: Gold Star Families Speak Out, Military Families Speak Out, Iraq Veterans Against the War, North Texas Vets, Veterans for Peace, Soldiers of Today and Yesterday, GI Special, and United for Peace and Justice. VIa Tracy Van Slyke

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