It appears ex-White House staffer Sara Taylor has recognized it would be in her best interest to cooperate with the inquiry, despite Georgie stamping his foot and pouting.
Alex Koppelman for Salon reports: We just got off the phone with Tracy Schmaler, a spokesperson for the Senate Judiciary Committee's Democratic majority. Schmaler told us it is her understanding that -- despite President Bush's invocation of executive privilege in regards to the testimony of former White House staffers Sara Taylor and Harriet Miers about the ongoing U.S. Attorneys scandal -- Taylor will still appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.
Schmaler says she learned that from Taylor's lawyer, W. Neil Eggleston, earlier Monday afternoon. When called for confirmation by Salon, Eggleston was unavailable. He has not yet returned a message left seeking comment.
As for Miers, the question of whether she will appear as scheduled before the House Judiciary Committee Thursday is apparently still up in the air. via mcjoan at dailykos
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