“We’ll probably be at war with Iran before too long unless someone can stop them.”

Brian Zick

Josh Marshall has observed one parallel too many vis-à-vis Iraq and Iran, in administration pre-war behavior, to discount the possibility. The one piece of data that makes me think they're really going to try it, however, is the news that Don Rumsfeld has apparently put Abram Shulsky (head of what was once the 'Office of Special Plans' (OSP)) in charge of a new DOD outfit, modeled on the OSP, to stovepipe bogus Iran intel from the likes of Manucher Ghorbanifar straight to administration leaders.update: Kevin Drum has more, quoting Sam Gardiner at The Century Foundation. Matthew Yglesias passes along an anonymous sourced "possibility" that "persons inside the Office of the Vice President" want to use nuclear weapons -- that is to say, to launch an unprovoked nuclear first strike against Iran -- and then deny that we'd done so, asserting that detectable radiation in the area of the bombed sites would be due to the fact that they were, after all, nuclear facilities we'd just bombed. Sy Hersh raised the spectre of nukes last April, in The New Yorker.

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