White House Confirms Rove Involved in Preparation of Testimony Which Has Proved False

Brian Zick

James Rowley and Robert Schmidt for Bloomberg report: The White House confirmed that President George W. Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove, helped prepare a senior Justice Department official to testify about the firing of U.S. attorneys. William Moschella, the principal deputy attorney general, told Congress on March 6 that the White House had limited involvement in the firings, a statement contradicted a week later by e-mails the Justice Department gave Congress. Rove was among a group of presidential aides who met with Moschella the night before his testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, said Dana Perino, a White House spokeswoman. She took issue with a description of the meeting, first reported May 3 on Newsweek magazine's Web site, that White House officials gathered to ''coach'' Moschella about his testimony.

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