With Bush Still In Charge, Things Can Always Get Worse… Much Worse… Much Much Worse

Brian Zick

David Corn asked former weapons inspector David Kay about Bush's refusal to engage in diplomacy with North Korea. Kay replied: 1. The Bush Admin's policy of maximizing the pain/punishment of the DPRK [North Korea] is the policy most likely to: A. lead to the collapse of NK; B. result in the use of a nuke against ROK [South Korea] and Japan as NK collapses; C. result in the transfer of a weapon/nuke materials to UBL [Usama bin Laden] as all control of NK's WMD disappears in the chaos of collapse. 2. If we have this much trouble determining if NK really conducted a nuke test how much trouble would we have identifying who really set off a nuke in an American city.

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