Benjamin Balthaser is associate professor of multi-ethnic U.S. literature at Indiana University, South Bend. His book, Anti-Imperialist Modernism: Race and Transnational Radical Culture, was published from University of Michigan Press in December, 2015. His critical and creative writing has also appeared in American Quarterly, The Massachusetts Review Criticism and elsewhere. His forthcoming book Citizens of the Whole World is on contract with Verso Books. He is an active member of Jewish Voice for Peace-Chicago.

“Don’t Work” and Other Lessons From the Marxist Feminism of Meridel Le Sueur
The radical fiction of this Depression-era writer is painfully relevant to the present.
Benjamin Balthaser

Labor Organizing Across Israel’s Apartheid Line: An Interview with Israeli Labor Activist Yoav Tamir
Benjamin Balthaser

Jews Without Money: Toward a Class Politics of Anti-Zionism
Zionism began as class-oriented project within the Jewish community. Opposing it requires a class analysis of who benefits from Zionism within that community.
Benjamin Balthaser