Christopher Moraff writes about national politics, social justice and culture for a number of publications, including The American Prospect online, Design Bureau and The Philadelphia Tribune. His columns appear weekly on Philadelphia magazine’s blog The Philly Post. Moraff, who lives in Philadelphia, is a member of the In These Times Board of Editors.

One Man in Search of a District
How Rep. Kucinich was almost pushed off the map in Ohio.
Christopher Moraff

America’s Blue Chip Tax Cheats
The country's largest corporations avoid their fair share. US Uncut is on the case.
Christopher Moraff

Stopping Frisky Business
Eight men of color sue the City of Brotherly Love over its "stop-and-frisk" policy—the latest in a group of federal civil rights cases.
Christopher Moraff

Tax Dodgers, Inc.
Congress tries—and so far fails—to combat "legal" corporate tax avoidance, which costs the U.S. Treasury billions each year
Christopher Moraff

Ten Years After Seattle
The global justice movement evolves.
Christopher Moraff

Protesting the G-20 Summit
A photo essay from Pittsburgh's streets.
Christopher Moraff

Putting a Stop to Stop Loss
Pentagon ends the back-door draft, but critics fear a return with Afghanistan surge.
Christopher Moraff

Bush’s Final Purge
The lame duck gives dissenters in federal agencies a last round of pink slips.
Christopher Moraff

Feeding the Beast
In order to weaken federal agencies, the Bush administration has expanded them to the point of collapse
Christopher Moraff

The Rat Trap
Death row exonerations expose failings of the 'snitch system'
Christopher Moraff

Extraordinary Rendition on Trial
ACLU tries to ground the Boeing subsidiary that trafficked in torture
Christopher Moraff

AFRICOM: Round One in a New Cold War?
Two dozen military bases in Africa will help the United States compete for influence with China in the otherwise forgotten continent
Christopher Moraff

Why are EPA Libraries Closing?
Christopher Moraff

Americas Slave Labor
Inmates are being forced to work in toxic 'e-waste' sweatshops
Christopher Moraff

Are Primaries Going West?
DNC floats a proposal to reform the primary system.
Christopher Moraff

Lies, Damn Lies and Poverty Statistics
How an archaic measurement keeps millions of poor Americans from being counted
Christopher Moraff